Friday, 17 December 2010

3rd Idea

Create my own music magazine - I would make a magazine of music going round the south west for example gigs, performances and what has been going on round cornwall when it comes to music. I would put a list of all the venues where things are going to happen and have the magazines round the college as there is no magazines like this in college and there are loads of music students in Penwith College. I thought this would be good because i do love my music and is always wondering if there is any gigs or performances going on around cornwall and i think this would be a interesting project as i am a teenager and i would know what the students would want in the magazine and how to design it so the students would think it is appearling and eye catching.

Here are some examples of other magazines how i would want my magazine to turn out like.

I like these magazines as its not just a page full of writing it has pictures and they have worked the writing in with the picture, which is more appealing as people my age 17-19 does not want a music magazine full of writing. The colours are bold its simple but yet really effective.

2nd Idea

Fashion designs - I was thinking of designing my own clothes line and would create a website, flyers, posters etc... and draw up my designs and maybe even make one of the items out of what i have designed. I thought this would be interesting as im really into my fashion and i am always thinking of designing clothes as i can come with creative ideas.
Here are some examples what i would have to do.

1st Idea

Photo project - Portraits of people or a photoshoot where people would bring a prop in that shows there personality through the picture then i would put a white background in using photoshop. I thought of this idea as i love photography and i thought it was different and i want it to be different then everyone elses. I have been researching photos to get more reasearch on my idea and here are some examples of what i am thinking to produce.

I have been looking of photographers to get more ideas and here are some pictures that have been taken by Richard Avedon

This is how i would want my pictures because i love how he has done them. You can see the man on the left is like a rock man but people may have different opinions and thats how i would want my pictures to turn out, and the man on the right he looks like hes a joker and likes to have a laugh.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010


How did you collect feedback at the show?
I had a little book with comments on the front and i left it next to my work with a pen.

What did the discussion group say about the show?
Shanice: There should of been more planning so the communication between the two groups and the staff would of been more clear.
Sam: Performance was good and the idea of the hotel was excellent.
Jack: Length of the show was good because at the end the crowd was dying down. He also said that by the end of the night peoples work was getting vandalized so if it went on longer there would of been more damage.
Gem: That the performers didn't get the chance to see the exhibition as they were rehearsing and was in their costumes so the couldn't come out the theatre.
Dylan: Lots of people were commenting on how good the food was and by the end of the night there was hardly any left.
Jodie: Communication with staff was poor as the performers didn't know when the show was beginning so they was waiting back stage for more time than they should of been.
Biyan: Should of had something going on after the show so that the people just didn't watch the show then go home.
Ross: Tidying up after the show was a mess as no one knew what to do and most people went home and left hardly anyone there to clean up so was there later. And the performers needed more rehearsal time.
Me: Should of made it more clear were the exhibition was as people were waiting in reception not knowing where to go. Also we should of made the venue more decorative for christmas and there were children there and i thought it would of been nice for them.
Ellie-Mae: The donation box wasn't clear that it actually was one and that we should of waited at the doors when people was leaving with the box as we would of got more money to go to charity.
Other Points: We welcomed the guests well, Organization to put our work up was good, But we thought the venue could of been better.

What were the strength and weaknesses of your exhibit?
I thought that my photographs looked really nice on the mounting boards and made them stand didnt out. I would of liked the wires to the Apple Mac computer to have not been on show as ithink that looked very nice. I liked the Apple Mac with my photographs on slide show went down really well with the audience as quiet a few people were stopping and looking then writing comments in my book.

What did people say to you on the night in face to face interviews/conversations?
How good my work was and they liked how i put the white background on them because it made them clear and bold. They was asking me why i choose to do this photography project and what made me come up with the idea. People were complimenting on the exhibit and also the food.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • I thought i had done really well organizing people and arranging a day when it suits them so they are free to come and be the modes for my photographs and i gave them notice so they could bring there props in for their photos.
  • I took loads of shots of my models so i could have a range of photos that i could edit and the photos came out well.
  • The targets i set on that day i achieved them.

  • When i edited the photographs i should of given myself longer to edit them as i didn't know it was going to be that difficult to edit them on photoshop
  • If i hadn't left the photographs to edit so close to the date it had to be in i could of done the collage of pictures i had wanted to do and the portfolio with more of my pictures explaining what i had done on the night.
Overall i am really pleased with my photographs and i have learnt that if i do put everything in to my work the outcome is really good and i am proud of myself. Ive learnt now that i shouldn't leave work to complete so near the deadline as it was very stressful and i could of done more and i think my portfolio would of been something nice to have in my booth at the exhibition.

Poster for My Photographs

This is the poster i designed for my photographs i choose this because its simple but yet its showing you exactly what i was doing for my project. I created two posters one with a blurb and the other one without. The blurb is explaining my work and why i choose to do it. I think the target audience for my project is from 10 years old up to 50 years old as on the night i was getting a mixture and ages looking at my work. That is why i made a simple poster because its not just aimed at certain age group its really open to any one.

Before I Edited

My Edited Photographs

Monday, 8 November 2010

Targets Today

1. Going round the class and asking them what prop they are using or if they are using a prop and i am going to write down the quotes they want to use.
2.Set a definite day on which i will take their pictures and go and see if it is ok for Clive so i can use a camera and the room where it is all white.
3. Update my blog more.

Monday, 1 November 2010

3 ideas for for my flyer

1. A portrait of me and i would have a prop that would represent me for example i cold have me blowing bubbles and have that in colour or even me with giant lolly pop and that would also be in colour. And have either something i say ever day or a quote i like. I like these photos of the little girl because its bold and colourful but all i would have in colour on my flyer would be the lollypop.

This photo is exactly what i would have as well with the bubbles in colour but i would be in black and white.

2. I would 4-5 people in a row and have there props they have in colour or something they think represents them in colour but they would have a white background behind them and they would be in black and white.


I have been looking at a photography company which is called Venture Photography because it is exactly how i want my portraits to come out. Here are some pictures that i have got from the website do show my idea.

This is how i want my pictures to turn out, i want the picture black and white but the prop they have to show their character i want in color as i think that it stands out and makes it more bold and even more interesting. The background is going to be a plain white background as i think it if it were different the whole point of the picture would be less focused on and the model and there prop is all i want the audience to be focused on. (with the quote at the bottom)

I love these photos as it shows the character of these two men. By looking at the photos you can see clearly that they either loves music or plays the guitar or even both. And the tattoos shows that they have got that punk/rock side to them. This is what i want the audience to do when they look at my photos because they might have different opinions on what my photos represent. But the picture to the right i would keep him in black and white and have his guitar in color or maybe even his tattoos as well because they are also showing his character.

I may even have the background in some of the black as i think the man and his baby still are bold and you are not drawn away from them. I think this picture is good as you normally see the models in the centre of the photo but in this one he is at he side. I will use this technique as well as it is a good idea.

I came across this photo as well and i am now going to put all the portraits that i will have taken into a frame like this because i think it is different and cool as well. But i will do two of these i will have one as the same in black and white and the other i will have as colour as this picture is really colourful and even though behind her there is a pink background me as the audience is still focused on her because she has a red top on which stands out so you are drawn to her.

I really liked this photo and really would of wanted to have done a couple of photos like this but i changed my mind of doing this as it will be too time consuming and i will have to learn how to make this effect as well as i do not know how to do it. I think this photo is unique as i have never seen a picture like this before.

Here are some pictures i have found with quotes on them which is what i am also going to have on my photos.

I think this photo is great as you can see what the kind of person he is. Also i was just going to type my quotes on my photos but i am going to use this idea because i think it is effective and its different as well and thats what i want people to think when they look at my photography.

Here is another photo that i liked as well and again i think this photo is effective.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Acorn Theatre

There are two ways in which the Acorn Arts Centre programme acts at the venue. You can hire the venue and promote the event yourself or the Acorn Arts Centre can book you and take responsibility for promoting the event. The Acorn Arts Centre receives on-going funding from Penwith District Council and Cornwall County Council. This funding equates to just under 20% of the cost to run the organisation.Penzance Town Council supports our Penlee Park outdoor season with an annual project grant.The balance required is raised through ticket sales, hirings, bar sales and fundraising activities. The Acorn Arts Centre is a small, independently run arts venue with charitable status, in the heart of Penzance, Cornwall. In 1987 the trustees of Cornwall Theatre Company Ltd., a small scale touring theatre company, took over the assets and liabilities of the near defunct Penzance Arts Centre. Their aim was to increase and expand the audiences of the old arts centre by injecting a new enthusiasm for the arts into the community and widening the spectrum of arts provided.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Our Ideas

Monday 11th October

Group marketing Meeting:

  • Difficult nature- performance/ arty unstallation medium
  • Individual working
  • would not work- disorganised / unprofessional
  • Too late to change ideas- every one work is well developed
  • Collective, connect, light and dark
  • Square, jigsaw, shape
  • Text cut out (display one colour, and then option to change the colour for each individual)

It would be difficulkt to design a single logo due to nature of the show- everyone has different ideas.

Because everyones work is well developed, it is too late to come up with one idea for everyone to do at the show.

Possible names for the logo- collective, connect (something relevant to light and dark). We came to the decision of using 'Collective' as the name for the show.

Logo picture - square, jigsaw.... The picture will be one colour, but individuals have the option in choosing there own so it more individual for each section of our pieces of work. We thought that the jigsaw piece would fit in well with our project as the puzzle piece represents us as in all the pieces are different but yet they make something whole, and with us its the same we all have different pieces of work yet we are still one whole group.

My Ideas

1. My first idea is to do a project on photography. I am researching different photographers and the first photographer i am looking at is Richard Avedon. I like the style he uses and the effect on it. I want to take portraits that is not only just a good picture but it captures there characters as well. I thought this would be a good idea as you hardly see that and i wanted it to be different. Here are some of Richard Avedon's pictures. I think if you study these images you can see there characters out in these photos, which is what i want. I would also put a frame round the photo and put some text at the bottom which i would think is relevant to the picture just to give the photo more of a story, and i would put a quote at the bottom which they have said i think that would be a nice touch. I also looked at another photographer called Henri Cartier Bresson. He also has the same style as Avedon's photos but the majority of Henri Cartier Bresson photos he has more than one person but Richard Avedon mostly has portraits. Another reason why i think this idea would be good is because people may not have the same opinion on my photos they may think the picture is saying they are not just that they may have other qualities to them. For example i could take a photo of someone and i thought it was capturing there playful but other people may think they are annoying or immature.

2. My second idea was to make a music magazine, as i have always liked music and i like creating magazines. The music magazine was going to be a local magazine as i hardly see any of them round for Cornwall. I thought i could even ask the college and leave some in college as so many students go here they would be interested. In the magazine i was thinking about involving the concerts that go on and when bands come into the clubs as well.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Glastonbury Festival

Glastonbury Festival is the largest greenfield music and performing arts festival in the world and a template for all the festivals that have come after it. The difference is that Glastonbury has all the best aspects of being at a Festival in one astonishing bundle. The Festival site has distinct
socio-geographic regions. The more commercial aspects are around the Pyramid, Other and Dance stages, which feels as if the West End of London a Saturday night has been removed to a fi
eld and thoroughly beautified. Unlike the West End, visitors are on every guest list, from the night time cinemas to the biggest gigs.
Glastonbury was heavily influenced by hippie ethics and the free festival movement in the early 1970s, beginning with the Isle of Wight Festival, which featured performances by The Who, amongst other artists. Afterward, organiser Michael Eavis stated that he decided to host the first festival, then called Pilton Festival, after seeing an open air Led Zeppelin concert at the Bath Festival of Blues and Progressive Music 1970 at the nearby Bath and West Showground in 1970 The festival retains vestiges of this tradition such as the Green Fields area which includes the Green Futures and Healing Field.
Here is some of the history of the glastonbury festival going way back to 1970

1970(19th september):

The first Festival was held on the day after Jimi Hendrix died, over a two day period and before long “word had got around”. It was the Blues festival at the Bath & West Showground that had inspired Michael Eavis to begin a festival of his own although on a smaller scale.

Acts included: Marc Bolan, Keith Christmas, Stackridge, Al Stewart, Quintessence
Attendance: 1,500.
Price: £1 including free milk from the farm.

1987 (19th 21st june)

The council’s decision to refuse the licence was overturned in court only in May. 1987 saw the introduction of the Womad stage to the Festival. £130,000 was raised for CND and local charities.

Acts included: Elvis Costello, Robert Cray, New Order, Paul Brady, Michelle Shocked and Van Morrison.
Attendance: 60,000.

Tickets: £21.

You can see that in 17 years so much has changed at first the attendance was 1,500 and in 1987 it went up to 60,000 even the price to get in to the festival had went up to alot so the festival was getting noticed more and more people wanted to go and see the acts that were playing.

Now a days to go the festival last year in 2009 it would of cost you in the hundreds now and the attendance was 135,000 it just shows how popular went from so small and only costing £1 to now where everyone wants to go there because it is the ultimate festival to go to.

The Glastonbury Festival 2009 took place between 24 and 28 June 2009. In marked contrast with previous years, the 137,500 tickets went on sale on 5 October 2008, earlier than ever before, with pre-registered customers able either to pay in full, or place a £50 reserve deposit to be paid by 1 February. Tickets for the festival sold out. The full line up was released on 25

and included headliners Blur, The Dead Weather, Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young on the Pyramid stage. The Other stage was headlined by The Prodigy, Pendulum, Maxïmo Park, Bloc Party and Franz Ferdinand.Other notable performers included Jarvis Cocker, Rolf Harris, Fairport Convention (who played at the very first Glastonbury Festival), Steel Pulse, Doves, Lady Gaga, Jason Mraz, Nick Cave, Pete Doherty, Hugh Cornwell, Status Quo, The Gaslight Anthem (in which Springsteen appeared on stage during their song "The '59 Sound"), Madness, Dizzee Rascal, Crosby, Stills & Nash, Lily Allen, Kasabian, Florence and the Machine, Alejandro Toledo and the Magic Tombolinos. Spinal Tap one of a total of two shows worldwide on their Back From The Dead "World Tour"