Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Acorn Theatre

There are two ways in which the Acorn Arts Centre programme acts at the venue. You can hire the venue and promote the event yourself or the Acorn Arts Centre can book you and take responsibility for promoting the event. The Acorn Arts Centre receives on-going funding from Penwith District Council and Cornwall County Council. This funding equates to just under 20% of the cost to run the organisation.Penzance Town Council supports our Penlee Park outdoor season with an annual project grant.The balance required is raised through ticket sales, hirings, bar sales and fundraising activities. The Acorn Arts Centre is a small, independently run arts venue with charitable status, in the heart of Penzance, Cornwall. In 1987 the trustees of Cornwall Theatre Company Ltd., a small scale touring theatre company, took over the assets and liabilities of the near defunct Penzance Arts Centre. Their aim was to increase and expand the audiences of the old arts centre by injecting a new enthusiasm for the arts into the community and widening the spectrum of arts provided.

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