Monday, 11 October 2010

Our Ideas

Monday 11th October

Group marketing Meeting:

  • Difficult nature- performance/ arty unstallation medium
  • Individual working
  • would not work- disorganised / unprofessional
  • Too late to change ideas- every one work is well developed
  • Collective, connect, light and dark
  • Square, jigsaw, shape
  • Text cut out (display one colour, and then option to change the colour for each individual)

It would be difficulkt to design a single logo due to nature of the show- everyone has different ideas.

Because everyones work is well developed, it is too late to come up with one idea for everyone to do at the show.

Possible names for the logo- collective, connect (something relevant to light and dark). We came to the decision of using 'Collective' as the name for the show.

Logo picture - square, jigsaw.... The picture will be one colour, but individuals have the option in choosing there own so it more individual for each section of our pieces of work. We thought that the jigsaw piece would fit in well with our project as the puzzle piece represents us as in all the pieces are different but yet they make something whole, and with us its the same we all have different pieces of work yet we are still one whole group.

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